Dion Mackay, a second-year student in the film and television program, applies what he learns from FMTV to his passion for music.
Mackay applies the skills he learns from FMTV to visualize his music videos more effectively.
“I wanted to make more visuals that would impact my music,” he said.
Mackay said he began his journey in music in high school and it has evolved since then.
“I started when I was in high school. Um, I saw someone that was free-styling in the hallway, and he roasted me – I came back, I made some lyrics and I was, like, in awe. This is nice,” he said.
Mackay talked about the type of hip-hop artist he is and the influences on his music.
“I try to keep it clean, I don't want to curse as much – I want to make sure all people can listen to and understand my message without having problems,” he said.
Mackay utilized the post-production of his documentary to explore his production skills.
“I've composed multiple beats that were actually on there (Lane Switch documentary) so that's why I love doing it when I was in the post-production process,” he said.
“Mixing and just producing music in general is what I love to do. That's the core of where I'm driven and what I'm passionate about,” he said.
Mackay has planned a few releases for this year.
His upcoming single, “Setback,” will be released on Feb 1 on Spotify under the name Dextant.