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OPINION: Varsity hockey should return to the OCAA, Humber

Humber offers many sports for student-athletes but one appears to be missing from the lineup. I believe varsity hockey should be a part of Humber athletics.
Humber Athletics needs to add varsity hockey back to their roster

Humber Polytechnic is known for its successful athletic programs as part of the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA).

Varsity sports including basketball, baseball and volleyball can all be played at Humber, but one of Canada’s main sporting passions remains left out. 

Unfortunately, varsity hockey was scratched from Humber’s athletic lineup.

However, the OCAA and Humber should reinstate the Good Ole Hockey Game.   

Brain Lepp, the head of the Athletic Communications Department at Humber, said there are several reasons why Humber does not include varsity hockey.

“Cost, it's crazy expensive, ice time, equipment, sticks, travel, all that and insurance so it's very expensive,” he said.

The expense is not the only issue for Humber, but finding teams to play would also be a problem.

“It's not just that Humber can't afford it, it's that the OCAA couldn't afford it, so even if Humber could afford a team, they have no one to play against,” he said.

From 1967 to the early 2000s, men's hockey would have a big place in the OCAA, but in 2004, with only three teams left due to cost (Humber, St. Clair in Windsor and Fleming in Peterborough), the league decided to shut down the sport. 

Women's hockey was also played in the OCAA, but only ran briefly in the 1970s and ’80s. 

If OCAA hockey were an option, many athletes would not need to travel out of the province to follow their athletic dreams. 

Humber, among other colleges, would have an opportunity to bring in more skilled athletes if a varsity hockey program was offered.

Although Humber Athletics does not include varsity hockey, Humber does offer many women's and men's extramural sports including the great game of hockey.  

Kiera Campbell, part of the Sports Management program who has played extramural women's hockey for Humber, said although it's not varsity, it's a great way to stay involved in the game.

“It was a great experience to get to meet new people, share the love of the game and just overall a wonderful group of girls and coaches,” she said.

Although students have a chance to take the ice for Humber, but recognition for the sport would be at another high if varsity teams were available. 

“I would love to see a varsity hockey team at Humber, extramural sports don't seem to get enough recognition compared to the varsity sports and athletes,” she said.

"I definitely think Humber should look into moving both women's and men’s hockey into being a part of varsity,” Campbell said.

Connor Grnak, a men’s extramural hockey player who studies Business Management at Humber, agrees with reinstating varsity hockey.

“I would love for the program to switch to a varsity style league. I have enjoyed my time as an extramural athlete, but I believe if we had games every week, travelled around to different schools in a team setting, that would just be awesome,” Grnak said.

At Humber, there seems a passion to regain the sport of hockey at a varsity level, and I do believe bringing hockey back to the OCAA would be the right move.

Especially being in Canada, playing hockey at the college level should be a must. It's hard to believe what is such an important sport to Canada, athletes are not able to take the ice at a college level.