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Social interactions enhance mental well-being

National Make a Friend Day is an opportunity for someone to meet new people and allow them an excuse to get outside of their comfort zones.
National Make a Friend Day allows people the opportunity to meet new people and step outside their comfort zone.

National Make a Friend Day is a reminder that it is important to interact with people daily to improve mental well-being.

Unfortunately, people’s well-being is at alarmingly low rates.

According to a 2024 Statistics Canada report, in the first three months of that year, 13 per cent of people aged 15 years and older have reported they feel or often feel lonely.

People aged 15 to 24 are suffering from loneliness at a higher rate, with 17 per cent, or almost one and five, suffering from loneliness.

Psychiatrist Dr. Mark Berber said one of the biggest concerns he has relating to teenagers and young adults being unhappy is the amount of time they spend on social media.

“As a psychiatrist, seeing a lot of teenagers and young adults, they spend too much time on social media and texting, and too little time in live interactions with their friends,” Berber said.

Registered Psychotherapist (qualifying) Leesa Renée Hall said interacting with people regularly is important for a person's mental health.

“It’s so critical that we are interacting with others because long periods alone can increase levels of sadness and it can increase levels of hopelessness,” Hall said.

“So being around people means that we are able to celebrate, socialize, and raise our mood because we are interacting with others,” she said.

Hall said a good way to get outside of one's comfort zone is to start with small steps to meet new people.

“This can be scary for people who have been isolated for so long or feel nervous about meeting new people, so usually I recommend you start small,” Hall said.

“Instead of going to a five-hour party or a three-hour church service, you can just start with having a small chat with someone in line at the grocery store,” she said.

Berber said it is also important to meet new people in person in places that make them feel comfortable.

“My biggest tip would be to meet new people live and meet them in socially safe places, somewhere where there are other people around, so they feel comfortable,” he said.

Humber Polytechnic students looking for an event to meet new people, Humber North campus is hosting a Valentine's Movie Day on Feb. 13 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., located at LRC 2112.

This event can give people an opportunity to meet new people in a casual setting. National Make a Friend Day is about putting oneself out there to meet new people.